Monday, January 29, 2007

Pause and Reflect: Oedipus Rex

1. I think Oedipus was a magnificent leader because he didn't want to leave any of the people behind. He wanted everone to know about it and be aware of it. Oedipus wanted for everyone else as well as hisself to be cured of the Plague.

2.What caused the plague on the city was a murder and the death of King Laius who was killed by a band of theives.

3. Oedipus learned that his father died from sickness and not from his doing.

4. It came about that Oedipus was raised as polybus son because the messenger told him.

5. Oedipus discovered that he was given up at birth.

6. Oedipus blinded himself by taking the pen and striking his eyes when he found out the truth and did because he was full of grief.

7. The Town of Thebes is full of lots of terror. What made you know that were the words that described it , crying and dread.

8. The curse that Oedipus puts on the killer is that he would be banished, never find shelter, never spken to and Holy water will never touch him.

9. Tiresias named Oedipus the murderer of Laius.

Thinking Through

1. The shepherd gave the baby to somebody else.

2. The chorus regards Oedipus as a man of misery

3. Oedipus did everthing that the Oracle predicted he would do. The profecies were all true.

4. I think Oedipus will probably try and flee from where he is at right now.

5. Oedipus sends for Tiresias because he is master of master of mysteries.

6. i think the Chours is furious because they just found out that he could possibly be the murderer of Laius.

7. He is so determined to find the murderer because they are accusing him of it.

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