Monday, January 29, 2007

Pause and Reflect: Oedipus Rex

1. I think Oedipus was a magnificent leader because he didn't want to leave any of the people behind. He wanted everone to know about it and be aware of it. Oedipus wanted for everyone else as well as hisself to be cured of the Plague.

2.What caused the plague on the city was a murder and the death of King Laius who was killed by a band of theives.

3. Oedipus learned that his father died from sickness and not from his doing.

4. It came about that Oedipus was raised as polybus son because the messenger told him.

5. Oedipus discovered that he was given up at birth.

6. Oedipus blinded himself by taking the pen and striking his eyes when he found out the truth and did because he was full of grief.

7. The Town of Thebes is full of lots of terror. What made you know that were the words that described it , crying and dread.

8. The curse that Oedipus puts on the killer is that he would be banished, never find shelter, never spken to and Holy water will never touch him.

9. Tiresias named Oedipus the murderer of Laius.

Thinking Through

1. The shepherd gave the baby to somebody else.

2. The chorus regards Oedipus as a man of misery

3. Oedipus did everthing that the Oracle predicted he would do. The profecies were all true.

4. I think Oedipus will probably try and flee from where he is at right now.

5. Oedipus sends for Tiresias because he is master of master of mysteries.

6. i think the Chours is furious because they just found out that he could possibly be the murderer of Laius.

7. He is so determined to find the murderer because they are accusing him of it.


Holidays are so important here. Our biggest holidy probably is christmas like everyone else. Her in the United States we are filled with different holidays like Valentine's day, Labor Day. MLK.Jr and other really impotant ones just there are to much to name. On just about every holiday though, families cook specail dinner's and buy new clothing to celebrate the holiday. On most of these holiday's school give us the day off.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Mandela and Pericles

1. Stephen Biko has in common with pericles is they both are honored for their death and were great people. They both were legendry heroes that are part of history.

2.It was important for Mandela to keep alive the memories of biko was because he was a heroe and did alot of good deeds. He died because officers beat him to death.

Analysis of of a Women's Role

In Athenian's society women weren't really better than slaves were. People's of Athen's denied them any type of education and equality. Women had to stay in their homes and could have little time to talk to men. At about 15, or when a girl goes through puberty they are married to a man that was twice their age. The women would have to raise the kids, however many without the father. When her husband and friends are eating, she couldn't eat with them. Women didn't have any military training and education depended on the man. Women however could own land and took part in athletic events. The women ran everything since the men were away.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Poems by Sappho

1. Of the three poems, the one I liked most is probably Some Say thronging Calvalry because it talks about how Helen left everything cause the goddess seduced her.

2. In Some Say thronging Cavalry it talks about a goddess seducing helen and making her leave everone. In To Aphrodite of the Flower at Knossos it explains Aphrodite and a holy place of a sort and in He is more Than a Hero the author feels almost lovesick and weak.

3. The poems that applies to Sappho is He is more than a Hro and To Aphrodite of the flower at knossos because of the emotion they talk about and fellings like how her heart beats faster and tongue is broken and the other about horses grazing, wild flowers. I think these two are best applied by Sappho because she talks about her life, daugther and close friendship.

4. A singer I think that would do Sappho's poems justice is Beyonce because she sings with strong emotion and has a beautiful voice.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Writing Option #2

I haven't had a teacher like Drona. All my teacher's I have do way different methods then that of Drona. One I had that I thought was the best is Mr.Slowik. He shows us a numerous of times how to do an equation and slove the problem for us then we solve it. Unlike Drona, Mr Slowik would guide us through steps. Drona also used clever methods with his students like when he jumped in the lake with the crocodile to see who would save him and had good keen sinces.
Drona was somewhat similar to Mr.slowik because they both honor their best students. Drona gave his elite student by giving him a present which is the same my teacher did. The students in our class had to compete to see who was the best also. We took test and quiz, not like Drona's test best others to help us enhance our skills. Mr. Slowik and Drona both had a personality and are cherrful at times but are serious more often.

Favorite Television Show

A television show I like is ESPN. It's on 24 hours a day. ESPN shows all the highlight from previous games and sometimes games being held at that moment. You get to watch your favorite teams or person in almost any sport around the world.
ESPN shows sports from places as far as China, Japan and France. There are also about 5 or more different ESPN's. Each one shows all sport just not the same one. It shows College boys and girls, NBA, WNBA, Soccer, Football and just about any other your mind can think of.

Thinking through Mahabharta

1. My reaction to Arjuna is that he is very skillful. Drona test his students skill in archery by building a small bird and putting it in a tree where it is almost impossible to see the bird. Arjuna shows he is the best student by striking the bird dead in the head. Drona rewards Arjuna by giving him a weapon.

2. I think that out of all of Arjuna's qualities the most admired in ancient egypt were his skills.

3. My opinion onf Drona as a teacher is that he is a wise and knowing man.

4. Indian parents may still tell this story to their children probably to show them how to try and be the best. It shows them how to honor and trust people.

5. No Drona does not remind me of any other figure from literature. Drona is wise and has special ways to bring out the best of the person.

6. Based on my experience, I think that the lesson bravery is true in this story because it shows how he killed the crocodile and saved Drona.

Friday, January 19, 2007


A good movie i seen was Saw 111.Evertime something happens it just leads to another mystery.Everone is playing a game and all are clues to the whole game.Each set off people have a different mission and if you fail you die regardless what progress you've made. You also have a time to do this.There is two people running the game.A man named Jigsaw and his apprentince a girl that played the game and survived it.Jigsaw is about to die and give his bussiness to her.She however,toward the middle get shot because she has his daughteer.

Ancient literature and people

1. Some similarities between the Mesopotamian era is they had King, slaves and also had people of diiferent class. Some differences are the religious belief. Some are polythistic and some mono.

2. Some principle points that are in some culture are that women had power. The sons were favored over the daugther. Girls could marry as young as the age of 8 yrs old. Whoever women weren't allowed to own property.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Greek Culture

1. The Greek religion is different because it has no sacred writing, and others had listed theirs in bibles.

2.The god are like humans because they show emotions and are different because they will live forever.

3. Some feature of the Athenian democracy is that 1/5 of the population can be involved in goverment , a law making body called assembly to dabate and allowed poor people to run for office because some paid.

4. The greatest thinkers are Socrates, Plato and Aristle.

5. Some of the events included in the Olympics are boxing, wrestling, javelin, discus and races of all kinds.

6. They used the letters to represent all the sound in the greek language.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Egypatian Literature

2.In the excerpt The Book of The Dead the tone is worried. His tone relates to the situation because he is concerened about the afterlife.

3. The speakers think that Ra should be praised because he is the sun god and starts the day off.

4. The speakers delight in dreaming of herself standing like a bride beside her love because she is ready to get married with her love.

6. Whenever i leave you, I go out of breath because she feels that without him nothing is the same.

7. In some ways the poems because in one it talks about her leaving her love and the other about how everything id different without him and her wanting to get married.

8. In todays society death comes unexpected and Egyptians they are well perpared for whenever death comes.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Think Through Gilamesh

1. My reaction to Gilamesh quest for immortality is that why would he want to be immortal when he's a 2/3 of a god.
Gilamesh wanted to find Utnapishtim because he wanted everlasting life. Utnapishtim tells Gilamesh the story about the Gods. Utnapishtim becomes immortal because the gods took him and made him that.

2. He can't accept the fact that humans being died because he was part human and afraid of death.

3. The story ends with Gilamesh proudly showing Urshanabi the city of Uruk because he was the king of that city.

4. The strongest effect on Gilamesh in this story was when his friend died of the sickness in the begining.

5. I think that the story of Gilamesh might continue with him trying to find another way to have everlasing life. I think he will be a brave and noble king because he's part god and compassionate because he's human.

6. In our world when somebody dies people have ceremonies and pay tribute to them in honor.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Women and Sport

Women and sports aren't really a good combination. Women are femine and are afraid of getting sweaty and dirty. They also aren't tough enough to play and will probably cry when they get hurt. Women normally aren't competitive in sports and some just don't care.
Women never want to do anything that has to do with work. They should just stay in the kictchen and cook and clean. Women think that playing sports is a fasion show. Girls shouldn't play sports.

Quest Story

In this quest story Waist Deep, it is about a man named Odis (o2) goes on a journey to find his son Odis Jr. ( junior) after a man named Big Meet kidnapps his son and holds him for ransom. Odis has many special friends. 2 of his friends were a girl named coco from the streets and his cousin lucky, and they had alot imformation on Big Meets operation. They then started robbing a series of banks to collect money (10,000.oo) to try and retrieve his son.
Odis had somewhat of a special power, which was having lots of knowledge and experience on Big Meet because the both of them were once partners in a crime hiest. Towards the end of the quest story, Odis outsmarted Big Meet and kept the money. Lucky and Big meet died and Odis, Junior and Coco went to Mexico to start there life over.