Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Songs that Celebrate

1. I think the relationship between humans and gods found in the praise songs is that the gods create the world in which the humans live. But I also think that the gods are trying to inform people about death and that it will come some day and that there is life after death.

2. I think the tone of the praise songs are that of some kind of ritual or worship thing. The songs also seem to have a slow pace and show that the creation of the world is celebrated.

3. I like Oshun, the praise song that talks of the river goddess. I like that this praise song because it talks of her wisdom in which is shared. It also says that she is a cure and good for all. It talks of the beautiful water which is helpful to every person and all of nature.

Teen parents

Teen parents have alot of responsibility. Taking care of a baby leaves no time for anything else. You need a big commitment from both sides of the family to raise a child. They may have to drop out of school and get a job to suppport the infant. You will have no experience for anything because you have no education.
Teen persons can only hope for the best and that their parents can provide what they have for them. Teen parents won't have much free or socially time ethier. When you are that young, you barely know have to raise yourself and better yet a kid.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


We as a nation don't really have a national recipe. The most common one you would see however though is probably pizza. Pizza's recipe consist of dough, pepperoni, sauce and also chesse. everbody in our nation eat this and love it. You can also purchase this from places that have already made it. popular places that serve it are pizza hut, hungry howies and also domino's. Most like it from these places but i'd perfer a homecooked pizza made fresh from the oven.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A drop of milk

1. The question I have for the myth is iron create fire.

2. The world was created by a drop of milk.

3. With each different event, something else comes and defeat that. Blindness defeats man by making the person go to sleep and you can't see while your sleeping and each one just overcomes the other.

4. Gueno came to defeat death because he was the only one that could defeat deaf.

5. You find that there is always a series of events occuring that messes up the first thing or help it.

6. If man had not been proud, everthing probably would have been dull and nothing good would have came after man.

7. In fulani they used what first created the earth which was rain and they showed a picture of it and popul vuh they used what the story was basically about which was the flood and arks and stuff.

8.Death exist because that would mean that nothing would go away and if we are still growing in number as man, where would everbody fit

Friday, March 2, 2007

Writing Option (the pillow book)

January 23,2007
We have a big game againsts our rivals the Riverview Rams. I am very anxious to play because of what happen the last time. I thought that we got cheated out of the game, but what could I do about the refs.Later on that day we beat them.

February 3,2007
We went into the district tournament to defend our title. For 3 years we had the winning tradition of district champions. I don't know what happened but we ended up losing in the 2nd round of districts. That was our last game and end of our season.

February 29,2007
I got recruited on a AAU team.We went to different places like Orlando, Palmetto, Sebring and other area's around here. We play good basketball players from all around and get a chance to see who is better.

The Students
the students in my class are the best. I have great friends in my class that helps me alot on just about all of my work. I look forward to going to class every morning and seeing familiar faces.People in my class are just about the brightest students I have ever met

Teachers at my school
Teacher at the School of booker High are mostly all nice but are hard workers. The teachers motivate us to work to the best of our abilities and strive to all do better.With the exception of a couple mean, brutal teachers, all the rest are magnificent. Teachers here are all always on top of everthing and many interact with the students and have a special bond or relationship.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Rain Clouds

The central conflict of the story When The Rain Clouds Rain is that a man named Makhaya escaped from where he was at and becomes a fugative. On his journey he encounters a old hag and a child that lets him stay in one of there huts. Some of the main characters I thought was Makhaya, Chief Seketo, Chief Matenge and Gilbert Balfour. Some attributes of Gilbert is that he is very brilliant because of the methods he uses to help the people, caring because of how he let Makhya work with him.The plot summary is when Makhaya the fugitive escapes and register himself as a resident in the town. The chiefs of the town is very suspicious about the man and keeps a close eye on him. Makahya also gets a job working with gilbert in the field.